49 KG | 61 KG |
55 KG | 67 KG |
59 KG | 73 KG |
64 KG | 81 KG |
76 KG | 96 KG |
87 KG | 109 KG |
+87 KG | +109 KG |
men events
49 KG |
55 KG |
59 KG |
64 KG |
76 KG |
87 KG |
+87 KG |
women events
61 KG |
67 KG |
73 KG |
81 KG |
96 KG |
109 KG |
+109 KG |

In this sport, athletes are able to lift more than three times their weight. There are two types of lifts: snatch, and clean & jerk. In snatch, athletes have three attempts. Athletes must lift the bar in a single movement from the platform to the full extent of the arms above the head.
In clean & jerk there are also three attempts, but it must be a two-movement lift. Athletes must lift the bar from the platform to the shoulders. Then, the athlete extends the legs and arms to move the bar upward to the full extent of the arms above the head.
A total of 140 athletes (70 men and 70 women) participated in Lima 2019 and, before the competition began, the historic leader was Cuba with 67 gold medals, followed by the US with 48. The competition was held at the Chorrillos Military School.
Chalk: The magnesium carbonate powder used on weightlifters’ hands to reduce slippage on the bar.
No lift: A lift that is judged unsuccessful by at least two of the three referees.
As noted by its name, the athlete that lifts the heaviest possible weight wins. Weightlifting is part of the Pan American Games since Buenos Aires 1951.

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