1. Presence of a prohibited substance in an athlete's sample.
2. Use or attempted use of a prohibited substance, or of a prohibited method.
3. Avoid, reject or breach the obligation to undergo doping control.
4. Failure to provide information on the whereabouts and / or lack of controls.
5. Manipulation or attempted manipulation in any part of the control process.
6. Possession of a prohibited substance or method.
7. Traffic or attempted traffic of a prohibited substance, or prohibited method.
8. Administration or attempted administration of a substance, or prohibited method to an athlete.
9. Complicity in a violation of anti-doping rules.
10. Association with people who are sanctioned by doping.
The World Anti-Doping Agency is an independent international organization, created in 1999, to promote, coordinate and monitor the fight against doping in all countries and in all sports, in partnership with national governments.
AMA participates in important activities such as scientific research, social sciences, education, sports projection, anti-doping training and supervision of the implementation of the Code. AMA is not a control agency.

The World Anti-Doping Code is the document that guarantees that the anti-doping rules are the same for all sports, in all countries. Its first edition was presented by AMA in 2003. It entered into force for the first time in 2004 and has been updated until it reaches the version we know today.
The governments of each country accepted AMA and the World Anti-Doping Code, during the 33rd General Conference of UNESCO, with the signing of the International Convention against Doping in Sport.
The paradero Program is the system through which athletes included in it, must provide quarterly reports with specific location data, in accordance with the provisions of the International Standard for Controls and Investigations.
Providing paradero information is protecting your right to a clean sport. This program exists because anti-doping controls out of competition are one of the most powerful means of deterring and detecting doping. This program was established because some athletes train in remote places, to avoid being controlled and because some banned substances and methods can only be detected for a limited time. Therefore, paradero information provides the possibility of locating athletes, without prior notice, which is vital to carry out checks on those who decide to cheat.
Very few athletes are in the Registered Group for Controls (GRC) and need to provide accurate, up-to-date whereabouts information.
International Federations and National Anti-Doping Organizations are responsible for determining whether or not you are required to provide whereabouts information.
If your Anti-Doping Organization asks you to provide paradero information, you must report your paradero information on a quarterly basis. To do so, you will have the following dates as a limit:
The data you must provide to fulfill your duty as
Athlete of a Registered Control Group are:
Place of night residence.
Schedules and training places.
Dates and venues of competitions, including travel.
A range of 60 minutes a day, between 6:00 and 23:00 hours, during which you can be controlled in the place you indicate.
These data may be updated in real time by the athlete to avoid being penalized if they are not in the indicated location.
Remember that all athletes can be checked at any time and place. However, for those included in the GRC, a failed control may be recorded as missing if it is not available during the declared 60-minute period.
The Anti-Doping Administration and Management System (ADAMS), developed by AMA-WADA is an online tool where athletes can access at any time and place, to update their location/paradero information.
This application is free, easy to use and its multilevel access control system protects the privacy and security of information. ADAMS is available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Dutch, Finnish, German, Italian, Japanese and Russian.
Important: There may be consequences if you are not present without a valid reason. If you cannot be located for a control, you have the opportunity to explain why.

Only you are responsible for updating your paradero information.
You cannot blame your representative or agent for inaccurate information or forgetting to update your whereabouts.
If you are included in a GRC, you must provide XXXXX information every three months so you can be located in case of a control.
If you are included in a GRC, remember that there may be consequences for failing to provide accurate information about your whereabouts. Your FI or ONAD will give you more detailed information about the requirements.