D.L. N° 1335
The development of the infrastructure, equipment and operations for the 2019 XVIII Pan American Games and Sixth Parapan American Games is given to the Ministry of Transport and Communications.
D.L. N° 1248
It deals with measures to speed up the process of investment and other activities in the framework of the preparation and development of the 201 XVIII Pan American Games and Sixth Parapan American Games.
D.S. N° 018-2019-MTC
Decreto Supremo que modifica el Decreto Supremo Nº 002-2015-MINEDU que crea el Proyecto Especial para la preparación y desarrollo de los XVIII Juegos Panamericanos del 2019 y Sextos Juegos Parapanamericanos, en el Ámbito del Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones
D.S. N° 017-2018-MTC
Modify articles 2, 5 and 6 of Supreme Decree No. 002-2015-MINEDU that creates the Special Project for the preparation and development of the XVIII Pan American Games and Sixth Parapan American Games of 2019 within the scope of the Ministry of Transport and Communications.
D.S. N° 009-2015-MINEDU
The D.S. N° 002-2015-MINEDU is modified to include the object to schedule and execute the actions necessary for the development of the 2019 Sixth Parapan American Games.
D.S. N° 002-2015-MINEDU
The Special Project for the Preparation and Development of the 2019 XVIII Pan American Games (PEJP) was created.