For Lima 2019 success, we need the participation of 19,000 volunteers, who will be distributed as follows: Up to 12,000 volunteers will be recruited for the Pan American Games and 7,000 for the Parapan American Games. The call is for Peruvian and foreign people.
Functional areas where volunteers may be assigned to meet the objectives set for Lima 2019 are Accreditation, Venue Management, Accommodation, Arrivals and Departures, Transportation, Medical Services, Anti-doping control, Spectator Services, Language Services, Press Operations, Protocol, Sports, Information Technology, Uniforms, Workforce, Marketing, among others. In the “Functional Areas” Section of the Volunteer Portal, you will find complete information about each of them. Also, you will have to fill out the Volunteer Registration Form with information about the areas you would like to support. Remember that the final assignment to support areas will be subject to demand.
There will be different benefits for Volunteers at Lima 2019 including training process, double certification for your training (from the United Nations Organization) and participation (from Lima 2019 Games), set of uniforms, accreditation card, food (according to shifts), accident insurance, transportation, national and international contact network, and special unique gifts. But the most important thing is that you will have the opportunity to participate in this unprecedented sporting event in Peru.
Volunteers will not receive any payment. However, volunteering will offer you a lot of benefits in your role and will be an incredibly rewarding experience in your life.
We need everyone in! We hope that people with impairment also participate as volunteers at the Pan American Games or the Parapan American Games. Applicants must fill out the Registration Form, indicating the type of impairment they have, so Lima 2019 will identify which roles are appropriate according to the specific information provided.
The selection process has different stages. First, you must register ALL your information in the Volunteer Registration Form that is already available in the Volunteer Portal. Remember that registration will be valid only if you complete the entire form. Subsequently, the applicants that are selected will be called in person to assess their interests, abilities, abilities, availability and other aspects necessary for them to perform their roles. Those who qualify in this stage will start a training process, both in person and online. Finally, they will be assigned the roles they will perform in the different Games venues.
We recruit volunteers who are over the age of 16 as of April 1, 2019. There is no age limit. Remember to submit your parental or legal guardian authorization if you are a minor. Download here the parental authorization for minors.
Please send an email to voluntariado@lima2019.peand we will answer you as soon as possible with a solution to your doubt or concern.
Yes, of course. You can change the information until February 22, 2019. If you have not sent your registration form (click “Save and Sent”) you can still change it by accessing the form with your email and password. Otherwise, you can request changes sending an email to voluntariado@lima2019.pe It is important that you update your information if there has been any significant change, such as address, telephone number, etc. Any amendment made after the deadline will not be considered in your application review.
Volunteers will have an account in the Volunteer Portal, where they can review the information related to the phases of the selection and training processes.
Follow the instructions of the Volunteer Portal to reset your password. You will be asked for information to verify your identity.
Security is a critical issue in Lima 2019, so all volunteers will go through a security background check process. Only those who pass these controls may participate in the Games.
If you were not selected, the Lima 2019 Organization will only advise you about this decision. No additional information will be provided regarding the outcome of the selection process.
No. We understand that your time is valuable, so we will accept requests from those who want to volunteer for an event or both Games.
More than a contract, we will request you to sign the "Volunteer Agreement", a document that establishes your and our commitments. We will give you this document during the selection process.
Yes, of course! The in-person and online training process will take place before the start of the Pan American Games (July 26, 2019). The in-person training sessions will take place in various educational centers located in Lima and in some regions of the country, as scheduled. Also, your training will be complemented by virtual trainings. For more information, please revisit the Volunteer Route.
Not all of them. After the in-person training sessions, training will be complemented by the Virtual School, including various topics. In this way, we ensure that you are prepared to commit to represent the country as a volunteer. Once this stage has been completed, you will be assigned to a functional area and you will receive specific training related to this area.
It will not be necessary. The training process will have in-person and online sessions. This is designed to cover all topics required for both events.
The certificates for having successfully completed all stages of the training program will be provided at the end of the Games. From September 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 you will have the opportunity to verify your data and print the certificates from the Volunteer Portal.
The Volunteer Training Program comprises around 20 teaching hours. This Program includes a general training session and a specific training session. Both training sessions have four hours of in-person training and approximately six hours of online training.
The Volunteer Training Program will be the same in Lima and in the provinces. To know the schedule of in-person general training sessions, you can access the Volunteer Portal, where all information will be displayed. Volunteers who live abroad can access the virtual platform. Also, there is a specific in-person training session prior to the Games to ensure that they have all the tools and skills to successfully perform their role. Everyone is invited to join the community of volunteers.
There will be three shifts: from 06:00 to 14:00, from 12:00 to 20:00 and from 16:00 to 00:00 both for the Pan American Games and the Parapan American Games. This schedule may vary depending on the competition schedule and the type of roles you will perform. During work shifts, volunteers will have access to additional services such as transport, food, among others.
The Lima 2019 Games will have a wide range of positions and locations available; therefore, you will be able to specify in the application form any preference you have. However, the final decision will depend on several factors such as availability, competition schedule, profile of the volunteer, among others.
Lima 2019 will assign volunteers to a certain area, according to the different requirements and conditions that may rise during the Games. Some will depend on the demand and requirements of volunteers for each area; or if volunteers are able to speak English or another language, or the availability to work in different shifts per week, among others.
In case of exceptional circumstances or some inconvenience, contact the person in charge of your area as soon as possible
This is not possible. Applicants pass through an exhaustive selection, where various selection criteria have been applied for each role, according to the information entered in the registration form of the Volunteer Portal
Lima 2019 will take into account the address location at the time of assigning the roles to the Volunteers. If you have a specific location where you want to be assigned, do not forget to indicate it in the preferences section of the Registration Form in the Volunteer Portal. We will try, whenever possible, to consider your preferences.
Not necessarily. Volunteers are part of the event organization, therefore they will work in different locations and perform different roles during the Games. Only some of them may be inside the competition areas or participate in the planning of the opening or closing ceremonies. Even volunteers assigned to the competition areas will be busy with their tasks and focused on work, and they will not have the chance to see competitions or shows. Only if they buy tickets, they will be able to see the ceremonies or competitions. However, we may organize raffles for tickets or passes for competitions that are not held on the same schedules of assigned activities. Please take into account that volunteers will not receive any special accreditation to see the competitions.
Volunteer service schedule is exclusively dedicated to the assigned work. If the volunteer role coincides with any competition, volunteers should not act as a spectator since they are part of the support team of the event. However, we may organize raffles for tickets or passes for competitions that are not held on the same schedules of activities.
Indeed, both Peruvian and foreign volunteers registered in the Volunteer Portal will have insurance coverage.
Yes, of course! All volunteers, without exception, will have uniforms. Once you receive an accreditation card, you must pick up your set of uniform, which will include two jerseys, two pants, one coat and one cap. The place for distribution of uniforms will be opportunely advised.
Yes, it is possible. It will depend on the stock of clothing items. Therefore, we suggest you to be as accurate as possible when registering your size on the form.
Accreditation cards and set of uniforms will be delivered at the Uniform Distribution and Accreditation Center as of May 2019. The place, date and hours will be opportunely informed.
To receive the accreditation card and uniform, you must present the document you registered in the Volunteer Portal. In case of loss, you must carry a formal document that certifies the loss and another document with a photo.
Complete volunteer uniform must be worn and cannot be combined with other clothing items. However, warm clothing is allowed to be worn under the uniform.
Due to security restrictions, it is necessary that all volunteers attend in person to pick up their uniforms and accreditation cards, so that their identity can be verified and registered.
The same uniform will be for both Games. Lima 2019 will provide a set of uniform to each volunteer.
Unfortunately, in case of loss or damage, a new delivery will not be possible due to the limited stock of uniforms, so we suggest you to be extremely careful with the uniform provided. Only in case of theft, an exception could be made reporting the situation immediately and presenting a police report. Each case will be evaluated and the new delivery of uniforms will be subject to stock availability.
Yes, you will receive a custom kit for both events.
Accommodation is not included in the benefits granted by Lima 2019. Each volunteer is responsible for the costs and their own accommodation.
Yes, of course. Meals will be provided on the days that you will perform a volunteer role. There will be a food distribution center at the venue where you will be assigned.
Each volunteer will receive an accreditation card that will allow them to travel for free on the main public transportation routes to the competition venues. They will have a limit number of daily tickets on public transportation.
Food and transportation benefits will only be provided during Games-time. The Pan American Games will start on July 26 and end on August 11, 2019 and the Parapan American Games will take place from August 23 to September 1, 2019. Volunteers who perform roles between the Games will have transportation and food coverage.
Parking will be restricted and areas around the locations will be widely used during the Games. In addition, priority will be given to people with impairment. We recommend volunteers to use public transportation as public transportation on the main roads will be free for them.
You will receive it only if you are scheduled in venues during that transition period. Remember that the Pan American Games will start on July 26 and end on August 11, 2019 and the Parapan American Games will take place from August 23 to September 1, 2019.
Yes, of course! The certificate of participation will be issued to volunteers who have successfully completed their roles as volunteers. From September 1, 2019, to December 31, 2019, you will have the opportunity to verify your data and print the certificates from the Volunteer Portal.
The Lima 2019 Pan American and Parapan American Games Organization does not support economically with air or ground tickets. Volunteers will assume the cost of their transportation to Lima.
Yes, of course! We will provide you with a plan, including important information about Lima and a list of suggested hotels and accommodations.
Thank you for joining us! If you were selected, you will receive an invitation to pick up your uniform, as well as your accreditation card. If you can not go to the distribution center on the established dates, you can be rescheduled according to your availability.
Yes, you are allowed to do volunteer work with a tourist visa. Volunteering is not an activity that requires work permit.
The Pan American Games Organization does not offer this support. All international volunteers will have to obtain the required entrance documentation. To obtain more information about Peruvian Immigration please visit www.migraciones.gob.pe