
This Sunday, September 1, after ten days of top-level competitions, the Parapan American Games come to an end. This is why the Lima 2019 Organizing Committee and the Peruvian National Police (PNP)  provide information about the traffic restrictions on streets adjacent to the National Sports Village – VIDENA, where the closing ceremony will take place.

The Organizing Committee also informed that the precinct’s gates will open at 17:00 and recommends not to arrive in vehicles, as no parking spots will be available.

Spectators will entry through Videna’s gate No. 10, located at Avenida Canadá, which caused the PNP to implement traffic restrictions on adjacent streets, which will be in force from 17:00 to 23:59 on September 1.

The traffic restriction plan will be as follows:

  1. One lane closed at Avenida Aviación, near VIDENA’s gate No. 13, until Avenida Del Aire.
  2. Two lanes closed at Avenida Del Aire, eastbound, from the intersection with Avenida Aviación until Avenida San Luis.
  3. At Avenida San Luis, southbound, vehicular traffic will be restricted in two lanes, from the intersection with Avenida Del Aire until Avenida Canadá.
  4. Two lanes closed at Avenida Canadá, westbound, from Avenida San Luis until Avenida De la Arqueología.

Likewise, they informed that diversion routes will be established during such restriction time, which will be: Southbound, Avenida Aviación to Avenida San Juan, continuing until the intersection with Avenida San Luis, then following the usual route.

Another option for vehicles is going down Avenida Del Aire, eastbound, then southbound through Avenida Agustín de la Rosa Toronto, and taking Avenida Julio Bailetti, then going the usual route.

What to do before going to VIDENA?

VIDENA’s gates will open at 15:30 and people will enter on a first-come, first-served basis. Sits are not numbered. Your National ID (DNI) and ticket will be required to enter. All minors under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

Everyone is invited to this Closing Ceremony to witness the artistic performance of over 200 people under the direction of Juan Carlos Fisher and with music of Laguna Pai and Hermanos Yaipén, with Eva Ayllón as special guest.