
The President of Peru Martín Vizcarra said that the Lima 2019 Pan American and Parapan American Games have shown that things can be done well and objectives set can be achieved.

“These Games have shown that we are capable of developing top-level infrastructure that allows us to organize all kind of events related to sports, or not. If we set high goals, we will have the technical and administrative capacity to achieve them,” he emphasized.

The Head of State gave these statements during the recognition ceremony of 15 Para athletes that reached gold, silver and bronze medals at the Parapan American Games. The Lima 2019 Organizing Committee President Carlos Neuhaus and the Lima 2019 Secretary General Amalia Moreno were also awarded.

The Foreign Affairs Minister of Peru, Néstor Popolizio, and other officials, accompanied by the Prime Minister Salvador del Solar, also attended this ceremony, where President Vizcarra praised the “significant savings” of the Lima 2019 Organizing Committee and new infrastructure that will continue over time.

“During sports competitions, we rose to the occasion and surpassed the results of Peruvian athletes and Para athletes in all previous events, showing that, with effort and perseverance, we can achieve whatever we set out to do,” he said.

He also recalled that the Lima 2019 Organizing Committee was a challenge that raised “doubts, skepticism and even opposition,” but he stressed that this project was taken forward with dedication.

“We have shown that when we set big goals and objectives, no matter how big and difficult they are, we can achieve them if we work together,” he said.

During the recognition ceremony of Para athletes that reached medals, which was held at the Government Palace, he emphasized that all Peruvians are proud of what has been demonstrated during the most important multi-sports event of the Americas. 



The President of the Lima 2019 Organizing Committee Carlos Neuhaus received a decoration this morning, for organizing, as said by the most renowned sport organizations, Panam Sports and the Americas Paralympic Committee, the best Pan American and Parapan American Games in history.

President Martín Vizcarra decorated Carlos Neuhaus with the Grand Cross mention for distinguished services for his outstanding, prominent, clear and efficient role in the economic and human resources as the leader of the Lima 2019 Pan American and Parapan American Games.

Additionally, the Peruvian President decorated Lima 2019 Secretary General Amalia Moreno with the Grand Officer rank for distinguished services.

The excellent organization of both continental multi-sports events was highlighted in the Supreme Resolution No. 142-2019-RE. Also, it recognized the work led by Carlos Neuhaus Tudela and highlighted the cross-sectoral management led by the Special Project for the Preparation and Development of the Lima 2019 XVIII Pan American Games and Sixth Parapan American Games.

“Thank you champions, because you’re a great source of inspiration for my team and for all of us. Thanks to a group of Peruvians who gathered to organize these Games so they would be delivered in the best conditions. And provide the Pan American and Parapan American athletes the best Games possible. This has been motivating,” he stressed after receiving the award.

Presidente del Comité Organizador de Lima 2019 recibió de manos del Jefe de Estado, Martín Vizcarra, la Orden por Servicios Distinguidos en el grado de Gran Cruz, por su destacada labor.


“Personally, this has been the best job of my life and, maybe, for many people of my team too,” said the Lima 2019 Organizing Committee President really excited. 

“This award is not for me, but for all of us, those who have worked hard to deliver these Games, as well as for the citizens and for all those who have cooperated with us, because our motto was “Let’s all play.” Thanks to the volunteers who did an excellent job. Thanks to all athletes who were the main reason for all these efforts,” he added.

These decorations were part of the recognition ceremony held by the Executive for the 15 Peruvian Para athletes who won the gold, silver and bronze medals at the Lima 2019 Parapan American Games.


This was the first time that Peru organized the biggest multidisciplinary sporting event of the Americas and the most significant sporting event in the world after the Olympic and Paralympic Games. 

More than 6600 athletes from all over the Americas participated in 39 sports and 61 disciplines during 17 days of competition at the Pan American Games, between July 26 and August 11. A total of 21 competitions were qualifiers for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

The Parapan American Games gathered around 1800 Para athletes from 30 countries, competing in 17 sports and 18 disciplines. The Peruvian delegation participated with 139 Para athletes in 16 of 17 sports. Competitions took place in 14 venues from August 22 to September 1. The Parapan American Games awarded quota places in 13 Para sports for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games.



The Main Operations Center (MOC) was the control center of Lima 2019, in which the simultaneous operation of up to 60 competition, training and non-competition venues were monitored to guarantee the successful development of the best Pan American and Parapan American Games ever held.   
“The success of these Games would not have been possible if the city’s operations had not been integrated into this control center. This is the first time in the history of Peru, particularly in Lima, that we have an integrated system between the district municipalities, the Peruvian National Police, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other ministries that have been involved participating every day in the minute-by-minute operation,” said Alberto Valenzuela, Lima 2019 Games Operations manager.

Alberto Valenzuela, Director General de Lima 2019.​“About 60 venues throughout the city, from Lunahuaná in the south to the Albufera de Medio Mundo in Huacho, have been coordinated, led and managed—at the same time—through this control center of the Games operations,” he said. 
He also said that the MOC is the largest and longest-lasting control center in the country’s history, from which the great Lima 2019 logistics were implemented. It involved transportation of athletes, officials and Games Family members, among other clients, and reached more than 4000 daily trips with over 1200 vehicles. 
“This control center has successfully coordinated transportation operations, security, comprehensive operations of sports and non-sports venues, competitions, meals for delegations, efficient management of solid waste, temporary facilities, among others. This has been the backbone for the real-time management and immediate solution of any event that arose in any of the 60 venues that operated simultaneously during the Games,” he emphasized. 
The MOC Director, César Linares, indicated that about 900 incidents were solved—a record figure that reflects the proactivity and efficiency with which they have worked in these Games—involving between 70 and 100 people, depending on the characteristics of each event. 
Finally, the PNP Major and MOC Liaison Officer, José Cuya, said that prevention operations were carried out before and during these Pan American and Parapan American Games to avoid any contingency and reduce the likelihood of any illegal event. 



The number of spectators at the Lima 2019 Parapan American Games ceremonies and competitions was 170,341, according to the last report delivered by the Lima 2019 Ticketing Department. This is a record figure in the entire history of this multi-sports event. 

This number marks a milestone in the history of the Games, as stated by the President of the Lima 2019 Organizing Committee (COPAL), Carlos Neuhaus, during his speech at the closing ceremony. “This figure is higher than at all the previous Parapan American Games,” he stressed.  

As in the Pan American Games, there was massive attendance to cheer on the Para athletes. Happiness, excitement and a lot of emotion were experienced in each competition. Peruvian Para athletes knew that they had the unconditional support of the spectators and the fanbases. The “world's best fanbase” rose to the occasion. 

It should be noted that Lima 2019, among other achievements, has been recognized as the best organized continental multi-sports competition in history, as well as the event with the most accessible transportation system in the Americas. Now, this edition has become the one with the largest audience in the history of the Parapan American Games

This record number shows Peruvians' interest in learning more about Para sports, as well as the great charisma of the Americas' Para athletes and their admirable effort to fulfill their dreams.  

Without a doubt, the Lima 2019 Pan American Games and Parapan American Games have left an indelible mark in the memory and hearts of the people of the Americas. 



Dishes such as ají de gallina and lomo saltado were loved by the athletes, who arrived from all over the Americas.

All Peruvians showed that we are prepared to face significant challenges and achieve them. The organization and execution of the Pan American and Parapan American Games were a success. This is why they have been considered the best Games in history.

The Games will remain as a lasting memory both for Peruvians, as it was the first time this event had been held in Peru, and for the athletes, who received top-quality service and will take home the best memories. Since Peru is a gastronomic destination, food was going to be one of the main attractions for the athletes. And, indeed, they got the best impression of what the country had to offer.

More than 700,000 meals were served at the Village during Lima 2019: 600,000 at the Pan American Games and 100,000 at the Parapan American Games.

The dining hall, located at the Parapan American Village, welcomed around 3200 people, between Para athletes and technical officials. As for the Pan American Games, over 6000 people between athletes, leaders and technical officials used the dining hall.

A buffet service was available for athletes, who showed their preference for Peruvian dishes. During the Pan American Games, the “Lima Culinary Tour” station was one of the most visited during the 17 competition days. 

Ají de gallina and lomo saltado were the athletes' favorite Peruvian dishes, especially among the Canadian, Puerto Rican, Mexican and Ecuadorian delegations. The other popular station was the “Downtown Grill”, which offered meat.

A daily 4000 pieces of pizza and around 10,000 stir-fry dishes, such as arroz chaufa, saltado de lomo, saltado de pollo and paella, were made during the Pan American Games

Also, 110,000 kilos of bananas, 24 tons of animal proteins (beef, chicken, pork, and fish), 12,000 liters of pasta sauce, 75,000 kilos of French fries, 30,000 liters of soup and 40,000 liters of natural fruit juice were consumed during the Pan American Games

Additionally, the amount of mozzarella cheese consumed at the Pan American Games equals the weight of four Volkswagen Beetles. The amount of spaghetti, placed one after the other, could cover the distance between Lima and Machu Picchu. 


The dining hall had a length of one and a half football fields. It was adapted for the Parapan American Games after extending the transit areas and making the emergency gates available for better movement. The height of fruit and bread stands was lowered for better access. 

The Braille system was implemented at the entrance of each station and the information was updated daily, based on the catering program.

For the opening ceremony of this multi-sports event, Para athletes were welcomed with traditional Peruvian dishes. More than 2000 portions of ceviche and 1000 portions of papa a la huancaína were served. Overall, more than 100,000 meals were delivered during the ten competition days. 



Lima 2019 will remain in the memory of millions of spectators who enjoyed this continental event, the best Parapan American Games ever held.

The president of the Americas Paralympic Committee, Julio César Ávila Sarria said in his closing speech that the Peruvian capital was the stage of the “best Parapan American Games in history.”

“Thank you, Lima. Thank you, Peru. It was a pleasure to witness how the whole city embraced these competitions and showed up in droves at each of the sports venues to cheer on the best Para athletes of the Americas,” he said with emotion.

He also highlighted that close to 200,000 spectators attended the Lima 2019 venues, “an absolute record for a Parapan American Games.” “We were able to enjoy a warm and festive atmosphere, another example of why Peruvian fans were chosen as the best in the world,” he said.


Ávila Sarria said that the Parapan American Games represented a turning point for Para sports in the Americas.  “Lima 2019 will mark a before and after in the history of the Paralympic movement in the continent,” he pointed out.

He also referred to the legacy of the Parapan American Games sports infrastructure, which he described as magnificent and accessible sports facilities. He added that Para athletes should make the most of the facilities to train for the next Parapan American Games.

“No event has done so much to truly include people with an impairment in Peruvian society.  Thank you to the Government and the president of the Organizing Committee, Carlos Neuhaus. Thank you to the volunteers for their smiles and generosity. I hope you will remember these Games forever,” he said.

After inviting the Para athletes to train hard to compete at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games and Santiago 2023 Parapan American Games, he said: “when a Para athlete from the Americas plays, ‘We All Play.’”



You could tell the romance in the gaze, gestures and flirtatiousness of Marinera champions Desirée Nuñez del Prado and Javier Morales, the first wheelchair Marinera dancer in the world. Thousands of people witnessed this outstanding performance at the Lima 2019 Parapan American Games Closing Ceremony held at the National Sports Village (VIDENA).

To the beat of a song composed specially for this occasion by the renowned musician Lucho Quequezana, these two dancers touched the hearts of children and adults who witnessed this thrilling dance. The movement of their handkerchiefs, dress and hat, as well as their postures and flirts, have a meaning in the love story told through this dance.   

This is how this emblematic dance, declared National Cultural Heritage, graced the closing ceremony of this major multi-sport event of the Americas held in Peru. Marinera is a dance that conveys art and national identity through its rhythm, elegance, strength, flirtatiousness and gallantry; essential aspects of this ancestral dance.

Desireé Nuñez del Prado, 22 years old, belongs to the Michelle Pimentel Academy. Her first competition was in 2010 at the Trujillo National Contest. In January 2018, she was declared world champion in the youth category. She is also Ambassador and representative of Marinera in countries such as Sweden, Italy, Switzerland and France.

For his part, 31-year-old Javier Morales started dancing Marinera at age 20. He belongs to the Corazón Norteño Academy of Chiclayo and was declared national champion of the 11th National Contest Alma Peruana - Ferreñafe. He also participated in the Marinera World Championships in the city of Trujillo this year.

They started dancing together in July 2019, when they met at a competition event in northern Peru. “We danced together a couple of times, and then he invited me to participate at the Lima 2019 Parapan American Games Opening and Closing ceremonies, and I loved the idea. We performed in the pre-show of the opening ceremony and now in the closing ceremony. We’ve been practicing hard to give our best and convey all our emotions,” explained Desirée Nuñez del Prado.

“Thank you so much to all attendees for their applause and the good reception of our performance. This motivates us to continue to improve every day and aim higher,” stressed Javier Morales. This ceremony was definitely filled with Peruvian vibes.




Everything must come to an end. They say that farewells are sad, but the one we lived today at the National Sports Village (VIDENA) during the Lima 2019 Parapan American Games Closing Ceremony was quite the opposite. The Peruvian cumbia group Hermanos Yaipén threw a grand party, where its popular songs were sang and danced by both Peruvian and foreign spectators who fell for their sound.

As soon as the group appeared, the over 5000 spectators at the VIDENA started screaming and singing their hits. The first song they played was a mix of Luis Miguel, followed by “La incondicional” and “Tengo todo excepto a ti”, songs that made women sing to the top of their lungs.

Besides, “Tiki Taka” and “A llorar a otra parte” made the spectators stand up from their seats. Some of them were seen dancing on the stadium screens. Para athletes enjoyed each song. They hugged each other, and some even shed tears of emotion for the end of this event, which became a meeting of nations rather than a competition.

Juan Gabriel’s mix gave people some time to sit down and sing along with Donnnie Yaipén, a young singer who is admired and followed by thousands of teenagers. For sure, the most expected song of the night was: “Que levante la mano”. The chorus “Que levante la mano, quien no lloró un adiós, que levante la mano, quien no sufrió por amor” was sang by all spectators at the VIDENA Athletics Stadium.

The international multisport event ended on a high note after bringing together 1890 Para athletes from 33 countries who competed in 17 sports and 18 disciplines (1247 men and 643 women) from August 23 to September 1, 2019. The 139 Peruvian Para athletes became the best hosts ever, just like the Peruvian fanbase that never stopped cheering on all participants of this continental celebration. Peru raised its hand to say: Good bye, Lima 2019!

Hemanos Yaipén

It is the most important cumbia orchestra in the country, with almost 20 years in the music industry. It is now part of The Orchard’s record catalog, and it is the first Peruvian music group to sign a promotion agreement through Lupa Media with SER Tv in Argentina. Their musical videos have over 250 million views on their digital platforms.




The Lima 2019 Parapan American Games have been synonymous with tough and inspiring competitions which have shown the courage and determination of the Americas’ top Para athletes. They have also been a constant display of the integration of the Americas.

Such sense of Latin American unity could be felt during the Parapan American Games closing ceremony, held this evening at the Athletics Stadium in the National Sports Village (VIDENA), located in San Luis. This was evidenced when Eva Ayllón—one of the leading figures of Peruvian criolla music, to be awarded a Grammy award for musical excellence next November—appeared on stage.

She then sang “Canción con todos,” an anthem to the unity of the different Latin American countries as a strong block, with a common goal of self-improvement and hope. This song was made popular by the late Argentinian singer Mercedes Sosa.

The end of this song, which meant the beginning of the grand finale of the Parapan American Games, was followed by the appearance of the cauldron and the two children who were named symbols of the Games. They held a lit torch which they extinguished. At that very moment, Eva Ayllón pointed at the cauldron, and the flame extinguished.

The Lima 2019 Parapan American Games closing ceremony continued with an extraordinary music show by Eva Ayllón and a cast of talented Peruvian cajón performers.

Known as the “Queen of Landó”, she boasts a career spanning 49 years, over 30 music records and nine Latin Grammy nominations. As a proud ambassador of “Marca Peru”, she tours tirelessly bringing Peruvian culture to every corner of the world. Thanks to the versatility of her powerful voice, she has performed in different genres.

It is worth noting that renowned Italian live show company Balich WorldWide Shows was behind the Lima 2019 Parapan American Games opening and closing ceremonies, as well as the Pan American Games opening and closing ceremonies. The creative director of the closing ceremony was renowned stage producer and director Juan Carlos Fisher.




After 11 days of effort, sacrifice, joy and excitement shown in every competition, Carlos Neuhaus, president of the Lima 2019 Organizing Committee, and Julio César Ávila, president of the Americas Paralympic Committee (APC), declared the Parapan American Games closed in a ceremony held at the VIDENA Athletics Stadium.

While the Paralympic anthem was played, the Deputy Mayor of Lima, Miguel Eugenio Romero, handed over the APC flag to the APC President Julio César Ávila. Immediately after, Ávila handed over the flag to the Deputy Secretary of Sports of Chile Andrés Otero Klein.

Go Chile!

Then it was time for Santiago to take over and become the host city of the next Parapan American Games that will be held in 2023. As part of the segment dedicated to the next host, Isidora Guzmán, who is only 14 years old, sang the national anthem of Chile accompanied by beautiful landscapes of the southern country.

Isidora, ambassador of people with an impairment who has actively participated in promoting child rehabilitation in her country, has cerebral palsy that affected her mobility when she was a kid. However, she managed to learn how to count to ten before she was one and a half year, recite the entire alphabet when she was two, and learn to read at age four and a half.

Afterwards, the legendary Chilean rock band Los Jaivas, with more than 50 years of continuous activity, fired up the ceremony with a performance that made the stadium vibrate with excitement. This group, formed in the 60s and still relevant nowadays, thrilled the public with their hits “Arauco” and “Todos juntos” that mixes rock with psychedelic beats and Andean sounds.

This way, Chile takes over from Lima and will be responsible for organizing a new sports celebration for the Santiago 2023 Parapan American Games.