
In just a few hours, the Parapan American Flame will travel through Lima, carrying along the dreams of the 1890 Para athletes from 33 countries who will be taking part in the Parapan American Games. The Torch, lit at the Pachacámac fortress this morning, is already at the Village. There, a relay was held with representatives of the Peruvian delegation. 

Luz Santa Cruz, Erick Bonet, Jenny Vargas, Pablo Cueto, Noemí Vásquez, Lino Ibáñez, Jayme Regalado, Juan Lazarte and William Fernández proudly carried the Torch. The three-day journey will start in Surco tomorrow, eventually arriving at the Opening Ceremony, to be held at the National Stadium on August 23. The cauldron will then be lit, starting Lima 2019

“I’m proud of taking part in this great sports celebration and representing my country in my discipline. These are my first Games. Carrying the torch in this event inside the Village has made feel so excited. This is a special moment,” stated Luz Santa Cruz, member of the Peruvian sitting volleyball team. 

The event took place at the Flag Plaza of the Village’s International Zone, minutes before the official welcome to the Argentina, Costa Rica and Mexico delegations. Those in attendance did not miss the chance to have photos taken with the Parapan American Torch during this incredibly emotional event.  


Tickets are already available for competitions (starting at PEN 10), and for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies. There will be a 50% discount for children under 18, senior citizens and people with an impairment. Tickets can only be purchased at the 11 authorized points of sale. 

They can also be bought online, on the, where the competition schedules are detailed. In the case of e-tickets, printing will no longer be necessary since customers can show their e-tickets from their mobile phones at the entrance of the sports venue. 

Photo Gallery (click here) 




It will start its journey tomorrow on Wednesday 21 and will spread hope and illusion to host the Parapan American Games for the first time ever. The Parapan American torch is a symbol that reflects the spirit of the most important sports event in the continent. The tour will begin at 9:20 in Surco with the participation of the Lima 2019 Ambassadors, Pan American medalists and prominent athletes, who will have the privilege of carrying the torch along the main streets.

The Parapan American flame will seek to inspire equality, inspiration, courage and determination, which are the values embodied by each of the Para athletes. The torch will visit four of the most sacred archaeological sites of Lima, including Pachacámac where the journey started, as well as its most symbolic touristic destinations. These places are part of a legacy left by the pre-Hispanic, colonial and contemporary periods.

The Lima 2019 Ambassadors Dunia Felices and María Jesús Trujillo, the Lima 2019 gold medalist and Ambassador Piccolo Clemente, the Lima 2019 Honorary Ambassador Nicolás Fuchs, and the Peruvian Para badminton team member Jesús Salvá will participate in the first day of the relay.

The torch will be handed over to Pan American medalists Oliver del Castillo (gold), Ingrid Aranda (bronze) and Mariano Wong (bronze) in karate; María Fernanda Reyes (silver), Vania Torres (silver), Tamil Martino (silver) and Itzel Delgado (bronze) in surfing; Luis Bardalez (bronze) in weightlifting; María Belén Bazo (bronze) in sailing; and Renzo Saux (bronze) in taekwondo. Prominent athletes such as Percy Rojas and civil society representatives will also have the privilege to carry the torch.


Day 1 - Wednesday 21:

The first day of the Parapan American torch route starts at 09:20 at Av. Manuel Olguín and travels along Av. El Derby and Av. El Polo up to the intersection of Av. Primavera and continue up to the intersection of Av. San Luis in the district of Santiago de Surco.

Then, it will cover the district of San Borja along Av. Angamos and cross important roads such as Av. Aviación, Av. Gálvez Barrenechea, Vía Expresa, Av. Petit Thouars, Av. Arequipa, Av. Comandante Espinar and arrive at Av. Santa Cruz in the district of Miraflores.

It will travel along Av. Santa Cruz to calle 7 de Junio past noon and continue on Malecón Cisneros and Malecón de la Reserva and ending at Av. Armendáriz. Then, the torch will arrive in the district of Barranco along Av. Miguel Grau and will turn left on calle Nicolás de Piérola to continue on Av. República de Panamá, Av. Ramón Castilla and Av. Paseo de la Castellana.

Later, it will head to Óvalo Higuereta to continue on Av. Tomás Marsano, calle Domingo Orué, Av. Paseo de la República, calle Domingo Elías, Av. Arequipa and ending at Parque Kennedy, where a celebration will be conducted.


Mapa Antorcha Parapanamericana



The Parapan American Torch, a symbol representing the spirit of the greatest Para sports celebration of the Americas, was lit at noon at the Temple of Pachacámac, in a traditional ceremony where reconnected with its ancient past.

This activity was a prelude to the Flame relay that will be starting tomorrow on Wednesday, August 21, visiting the most emblematic landmarks of the capital city. Likewise, it was also the official start of the Parapan American Games, whose opening ceremony is scheduled for this Friday 23 at 19:00 at the National Stadium.

The President of the International Paralympic Committee, Andrew Parsons:, who is here specially to attend the Games; the President of the Americas Paralympic Committee, Julie Dussliere; the President of the Lima 2019 Organizing Committee, Carlos Neuhaus; the Mayor of Lima, Jorge Muñoz; the President of the National Paralympic Association of Peru Lucha Villar, district mayors; authorities from Paralympic Committees, as well as the representative of the National Committee for the Integration of People with Impairments (CONADIS), Darío Portillo and the Director of Pachacámac Museum, Denise Pozzi Escot, attended the ceremony.

Carlos Neuhaus pointed out the fulfillment of this milestone to continue the celebration started with the Pan American Games, considered the most successful ones in history. “We are proud to light up this Flame, as we did in Teotihuacán, in Mexico, with the Pan American Torch that arrived in Machu Picchu. This time, we are here in Pachacámac, a place with more than 1500 years of history. What a better choice than doing it here, a ceremonial and religious center. This Torch will go across Lima and will visit emblematic places, such as the huacas. This is a showcase of our culture. That’s why we also want the delegations to live the experience of a lifetime”, said Neuhaus.

In turn, the head of the APC said that “Lima 2019 will be the most modern, diverse and inclusive Games, showing accessibility and with the participation of the best Para athletes of the Americas. The light that is about to be lit will shine in huacas and streets, thanks to 300 people who will represent the values of sports. These Games will be the force uniting all cultures in Peru. I want to thank COPAL for making Lima an accessible city. The legacy of Lima 2019 legacy will start with the lighting of the Torch, which will illuminate the country and the Americas for many years.”

Later, the ceremony with the traditional “tribute to the earth” was held guided by a “ceremonial master”, along with a woman who helped him with the task of handing in offerings to the “gods”. It was a ceremony with traditional music and dances, where the temple witnessed a staging of the three levels of Inca cosmovision: Uku Pacha, Kay Pacha and Hanan Pacha.


Immediately, four ‘celebrities’, the Lima 2019 flag bearer Angélica Espinoza, Peruvian Para taekwondo athlete; the Lima 2019 ambassador Dunia Felices, Para swimming athlete; as well as Iván Reyes and Delicia Paredes, related to the Parapan American sports, represented the four Suyos of the Incan Empire, presenting offerings to the “master”: Kintus of chicha de jora, flowers, corn and coca leaves.

Carlos Neuhaus was in charge of lighting the flame. He received the fire from the “ceremonial master”. The Torch relay started when Para athlete Carlos Felipa, Lima 2019 shot put athlete, had the honor of being the first torchbearer and received the Flame. The relay will start on the Qapaq Ñan route, go across the main streets of Lima, and finish at the National Stadium.

With this ceremony, Lima 2019 aimed to create a festive atmosphere where participants could connect with more than two thousand years of traditions, liturgies and artistic expressions that have defined the Peruvian culture until today. This way, Lima is preparing the right environment to receive the most outstanding Para athletes from the Americas, with the finest of our heritage.

Note: You can follow the torch relay and see photos and videos at

Photo Gallery (click here)




As it was announced in the closing ceremony of Toronto 2015—the last edition of the Games—the three Para sports will make their debut in the Lima 2019 Parapan American Games. Our multi-sports event, the most important in the continent, was elected to host for the first time the shooting Para sport, Para taekwondo and Para badminton competitions.

In addition, after their debut in the Lima 2019 Parapan American Games, Para taekwondo and Para badminton will start their road to Tokyo 2020, where they will be official Paralympic sports for the first time. By contrast, shooting Para sport has been part of the Paralympic program since the Toronto 1976 Paralympic Games.

Competitions at Lima 2019:

In shooting Para sport there will be pistol (athletes with an impairment in lower limbs) and rifle (athletes with an impairment in upper and lower limbs using a stand to shoot) events, and it will take place in the brand-new Las Palmas Air Base Shooting Range.

More than 40 Para athletes—who come from eleven countries of the region—will compete on August 24, 25, 26 and 27 starting at 09:00. The American athlete McKenna Dahl, who won the bronze medal in Rio 2016 in rifle will be present among them. 

Para taekwondo will also have two disciplines: combat or kyorugi (athletes with an impairment in upper limbs) and poomsae (athletes with intellectual or visual impairment), and it will be hosted in the Callao Sports Center. The competitions will gather a total of 47 Para athletes from 16 countries on Friday, August 30 (at 09:00 and 15:00) and on Saturday, August 31 (at 09:00 and 15:00).

On the other hand, Para badminton will include three events (athletes with physical impairment with or without prosthesis and wheelchair) and it will be hosted at the VIDENA Sports Center 3. A total of 50 Para athletes from 11 countries will compete on August 29 and 30. The finals will be held on August 31 at 09:00 and 15:00 and on September 1—the last day of the Games—at 08:00.

Peru is present 

The Peruvian delegation for this Parapan American Games will be the largest ever. It will consist of 139 Para athletes, including those participating in the Para sports that will make their debut in the Lima 2019 program.

The shooting Para sport team is made up of Jorge Arcela, Steve Medina, and Milagros Palomino. The Peruvian representatives in Para taekwondo are Angélica Espinoza, the delegation’s flag bearer; William Fernández; José Navarro; and Shiroy Rentería.

The Peruvian Para badminton team includes stars such as Pilar Jáuregui, Pedro Pablo de Vinatea, Alberto Cadenillas, Pablo Cueto, Roberth Fajardo, Esteban Juárez, Ronald Miranda, Laura Puntriano, Jesús Salvador, and Jenny Ventocilla. They make up one of the largest teams in the Peruvian delegation.

It is worth mentioning that Peru has obtained better results at the Paralympic Games (8 medals) than at the Olympic Games (4 medals). Therefore, it is quite possible that this Parapan American Games, held in Peru, will serve as a springboard for Tokyo 2020 for many Para athletes.




When you play football with the heart, there is no visual impairment that can stop your feet from kicking the ball. That overwhelming passion for the most popular sport is what allows us to see five men fighting for a ball that has bells inside while wearing eyeshades in an adapted field of 40 x 20 meters. This marvelous performance will be seen at Lima 2019, starting this Saturday, August 24, in the hockey field of the Villa María del Triunfo Sports Center. 

Peru will be represented by an enthusiastic group that has been working for the past two years, led by their coach Felipe Ramírez. The ten selected Para athletes want to prove that they are playing at home, showing how Peruvian football is played. In fact, the last few months, they trained with the teams of Alianza Lima, Universitario and Cristal, which impressed the professional players. 

“These experiences have helped us a lot, but mostly they helped us to show the conventional football players that we share the same passion for this sport. Professional players such as Jorge Cazulo, Carlos Lobatón, Pablo Lavandeira, Wilder Cartagena, and Joa Arroé were amazed with the experience of playing blindfolded and encouraged us to do our best at the Games,” stated Juan Pablo Torres, member of the ‘Blanquirroja’. 

Peru will face off the six best teams of the continent, of which Brazil and Argentina are among the most awarded in the world. The journey begins this Saturday (20:00) against Mexico in Villa María del Triunfo. The Aztecs placed third in the Copa América of Football 5-a-side and have 15 years training with the same coaching staff. They are, without a doubt, a strong opponent. 

The matches between Argentina and Costa Rica, and Colombia against Brazil—the three-time Parapan American champion—will be held on the same day at 17:00 and 17:30, respectively. If you want to witness this great Para athletes, buy your tickets at and in any of the 11 authorized centers across the city. 


The Parapan American Games will gather 1890 Para athletes from 33 countries, participating in 17 sports and 18 disciplines. Competitions will take place from August 23 to September 1, 2019. Additionally, 13 Para sports will be qualifiers for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games. 

Peru will be represented by 139 Para athletes, the biggest amount for this type of continental competitions. In addition, we will participate in 16 disciplines, with sitting volleyball and wheelchair basketball being the ones with the highest number of competitors, with 24 each (12 for the women’s team and the same amount for the men’s team). 



The Pan American Games left us a great lesson. There is no age limit nor specific reason to practice sports. Some may say their stories are entirely different, but they actually share the same passion: sport. 

While Claudia was claiming her seventh consecutive title in frontón, .Alexia had already started flutter kicking in the water. 

At age 51, Claudia Suárez won the gold in Peruvian frontón at the last Pan American Games and has never been defeated after claiming the national crown 20 years ago. 

Alexia Sotomayor also broke the mold. At just 13 years old, she became the youngest Peruvian athlete to participate in a Pan American Games and impressed the world by breaking her own records. She almost qualified for Tokyo 2020 in the 500 m freestyle final.  

Both met each other for the first time this weekend during the Festival “Learn Through Play”, which aimed to promote de Parapan American Games that will be held from August 23 to September 1.  

“I practiced swimming for many years, but when my shoulders started to broaden I didn’t like it that much, so I got into racket sports,” told us Claudia when asked if she had ever tried professional swimming? 

For Alexia, the Pan American Games experience was unforgettable and also a big step in her career that has just started. “We competed against Olympic medalists and world record holders. I had the chance of going up against them, and that motivates me. It felt so good. When you’re competing, you focus on yourself to try to improve and pursue your goals,” mentioned Alexia. 

Claudia’s First Steps 

Claudia gave her first steps in sports in squash.  “I started competing at the age of 15 in a squash South American championship held in Paraguay. When I was 13, I wasn't even thinking about competing; I didn’t even know what sport I wanted to play at all. When I see Alexia, I see a great role model for kids. My son is 15, and I’m dying to see what sport he’ll choose. It’s complicated because you can’t force kids. You have to let them be themselves and choose what sport they like the most. They must decide on their own. I also had to make that decision at some point,” indicated the Pan American medalist.   

So after hearing all her experience, we asked Claudia to give Alexia a piece of advice. “You must be very disciplined and train hard to be an elite athlete. I used to go to parties too, but there must be some limits. I didn’t understand it at her age either, but my parents helped me out.” 

Currently, Claudia works a Peruvian frontón teacher. “I’ve been teaching kids for 17 years now because I want to promote sports practice. That’s why it’s so important to raise awareness. The sports career is incredible, and it gives you many satisfactions,” added the Pan American medalist with her usual serenity. 

Then, we asked Alexia: “What kind of teacher do you think Claudia is?” I think she helps everyone who wants to improve. She’s not a serious teacher, but she does like discipline,” said the young athlete.   

Claudia immediately added: “I’m very motherly with children. Everyone sees me as their mom, and that helps me teach them better.” 

Life at 13 

Alexia is still on vacations and is about to start her first high-school year. She was six months old when she first touched the water. Her mother, who also practiced swimming, took a course for mothers and babies. At age 5, she started swimming in a sports club. 

Being an elite athlete takes a lot of effort, and Alexia had to wait until the end to confirm her participation in Lima 2019.  “First, they had to validate my mark because of my age, but at the end they let me participate, and I was proud to represent Peru.” 

“I get a lot of support from my school. They help me catch up and make up my exams. Sport changes your lifestyle; for example, my friends go to parties, but I have to give up some of those activities due to my training. If I want to be the best, I have to train every day,” mentioned Alexia sure of herself. 

Her priorities are straight: “Going to the Pan American Games in Chile and the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. I see myself on the podium,” concluded Alexia.   

Claudia listens closely and tells her that “the feeling of winning a medal is incredible. It makes all the effort worth it.” 

The Most Expected Event: Lima 2019  

“Lima 2019 was a memorable event, and I hope all my students get to compete in a large tournament like this one,” said Claudia in regard to her future students. 

“Representing my country made me proud. It was amazing to see all the stands packed and receiving the support of all Peruvians,” added Alexia when remembering her participation in Lima 2019 last August 8.   

Social Media 

“My followers increased after the Games. Before the event, I had 1700, but now there are almost 8000,” she said. 

“I’ve created my accounts, but someone else manages them for me. It’s taken me a while to get used to these technologies. 

Her Sport 

“This sport is my life. It’s our flagship sport, and it has achieved a milestone I thought we'd never reach thanks to the internationalization. It’s cost us a great deal, and now we have to work hard so that frontón can keep growing,” stressed Claudia when asked about her sport and how it was included as a Basque pelota discipline at Lima 2019

“It’s my passion, and it’s always been a part of my life,” said Alexia. 

After their meeting, they took some time to practice and promote Para sports and to show the passion that runs through their veins. They’re an example for all generations in our country. 



In just two days, the spirit of the Parapan American Games will light up the sky in Lima. The delegations are joining the most important multi-sports event in the continent, and the Para athletes feel at home as soon as they enter the Parapan American Village. In this context, a welcome ceremony was held for three countries: Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. 

The mayor of the Village, Giorgio Mautino, led the protocol act at the International Plaza of the Parapan American Village in the district of Villa El Salvador. The Para athletes of the Americas expressed their gratitude for this special moment that included a cultural show. 

The Ecuadorian Para athlete, Roberto Carlos Chalá, valued Peruvians’ kindness. “We’re having a good time despite the cold (laughs), but we’re quickly adapting to the conditions. I want to leave a mark on my first Games and I’ve been working hard to win a medal at Lima 2019,” said Roberto, a T20 long jump athlete. 

The delegations of Aruba, El Salvador Haiti, Mexico, Uruguay, Argentina, and Costa Rica will be welcomed today, as most of their Para athletes are already at the Parapan American Village. 


Tickets for matches and the Opening and Closing Ceremonies are already on sale, and prices start at PEN 10.00. There will be a 50% discount for children under 18, senior citizens and people with an impairment. Tickets are available at the 11 Lima 2019 authorized points of sale. 

They can also be purchased online through, where you will also find the competition schedules. In the case of e-tickets, printing will no longer be necessary since customers can show their e-ticket from their mobile phones at the entrance of the venue. 



“The time has come to show and put into practice all that we have learned”. That was the beginning of the conversation with Carlos Felipa, our Para athlete who is already prepared - as the good soldier - for the start of his competitions in the Lima 2019 Parapan American Games.

At age 37, Felipa already feels what his second Parapan American Games will be. “How do I feel? I am excited to do this in my hometown, and I thank fate for letting me fight for my country once more”, the Para athlete added.

The latest Pan American Games with its excellent outcome and the support of the fans leave the Para athletes greatly motivated and, also, with a challenge. “As I always say, the Pan American Games athletes showed us a great example of legacy, but besides the infrastructure, the victory they have shown us will be timeless. It will never disappear, and most importantly it is a motivation for us, the Para athletes, to give our best in this Lima 2019 Games”, he added.

Felipa placed forth in the 100 meters test at Toronto 2015. In Rio 2016 he also participated in the 100 meters test, as well as long jump.

In Lima 2019 Parapan American Games, the retired Peruvian Army officer will participate in shot put and has trained a lot to reach the podium in Lima 2019 and throw as far as possible. “I promise to give my best, I am ready for this new battle and I want to win”, he added.

Para athletics will be held in the Athletics Stadium at VIDENA from August 24 to 28 and tickets are available through the website or at the authorized points of sale.

Lima 2019 Parapan American Games will welcome 1890 Para athletes from 33 countries, who will participate in 17 sports and 18 disciplines from August 23 to September 1.




The celebration continues and Lima is ready for it. Five days away from the Lima 2019 Parapan American Games Opening Ceremony, the Parapan American torch relay route was presented today at noon. The torch will be ignited tomorrow at the Fortaleza de Pachacámac, signifying the official start of the international competition.

This milestone marks the beginning of the most important Para sports event of the continent, that will gather 33 countries for the first time in our country. The Flame will start its route through several of Lima’s districts on Wednesday August 21, the day after the cauldron is ignited at Fortaleza de Pachacámac during a tribute to the earth at the main pyramid of this ceremonial site.

The Relay presentation took place at noon with the presence of Carlos Neuhaus, president of COPAL; Luisa Villar, president of the National Paralympic Association of Peru; Dunia Felices, Lima 2019 ambassador and member of the national swimming team for the Games; Pedro Pablo de Vinatea, Lima 2019 ambassador and member of the national badminton team for the Games; as well as two of the best Para athletes of the Americas, Argentinian Para swimmer and one-time world champion Daniela Giménez and Brazilian Leomon Moreno, considered the best goalball player in the world.

Other Pan American medalists present were: Thalía Mallqui, Ingrid Aranda, Saida Salcedo, Oliver del Castillo, Mariano Wong and Itzel Delgado, who arrived to support our Para Athletes and to wish them the best at Lima 2019. Likewise, Gina Parker, Lima 2019 Games honorary ambassador, participated as a guest.

Carlos Neuhaus highlighted the importance of carrying out the Games in our country. “This is the continuation of the Pan American celebration. We are happy to host the Parapan Americans Games. These are as important, if not more so, than the Pan American Games, because they convey many messages. We are showing the it is possible to overcome adversities. Also, Lima 2019 will make the city more accessible. The Games will be a watershed moment for our city, ensuring that we all have the same rights,” stated the president of COPAL.

“We will start the celebration with the Parapan American Torch Relay, that will pass through the main huacas of Lima, letting us show more of our culture to the world. The same will happen with the Opening Ceremony, which will be amazing,” he added.


Meanwhile, Lucha Villar pointed out that the Parapan American Games will bring change to society. “Before, not many people knew about Para sports, but now we are conveying a message of inclusion. Para athletes have succeeded in overcoming their challenges and now we are working on inclusion. They are setting an example for future Para athletes. Lima 2019 will be a celebration because we will have the best Para athletes of the Americas competing for medals. This is the big change. What’s important is that the celebration continues, so we want to ask Peruvian fans to fill the stadiums. Let’s all play,” stated Villar.

Dunia Felices, one of our Lima 2019 representatives, said she was “happy to be a part of the Games. I had to train my body and improve my marks. Para sports have allowed me to empower myself, to get to know my abilities and gain experience. The Peruvian delegation is grateful for the welcome at the Parapan American Village. We are very excited, because the sports celebration continues,” stressed the Lima 2019 ambassador and torchbearer.

Likewise, Pedro Pablo de Vinatea will carry the torch once more, like he did with the Pan American Flame before it was ignited. “I enjoyed being a part of the route and I wasn’t expecting that recognition. It was very exciting and moving, and I get to relive it at my Games. I’m getting ready to bring you joy in this competition,” said the Lima 2019 ambassador.

In addition, the Argentinian Para athlete, Daniela Giménez, complimented the Games Organizing Committee. “I want to congratulate the Organizing Committee. Everything is flawless and it puts South America in the spotlight. I’m very proud to be here. These are my fourth Games and the experience is different every time. Sports are pivotal for people with an impairment, because they allow us to have physical freedom. They also enable us to make friends like Pedro Pablo (de Vinatea), who I met at the 2016 Paralympic Games. For the Argentinian Para swimmers, Lima 2019 is the tournament of the year. We are giving it our all,” she pointed out.

Leomon Moreno was thankful for “the opportunity to be part of the Games. I’m very happy to be in Lima. The Parapan American Games will make the country grow, especially Lima. This experience is magical. That’s why I tell Peruvian Para athletes that they’re not only representing their families, but also their country. That’s why so many people will cheer them on. A medal is won with effort and heart. To succeed you need to put in the effort,” stated the Brazilian Para athlete.

Afterwards, the Para athletes gave tickets to the Pan American medalists so they can be there with them at their Lima 2019 competitions. Just like the Peruvian national football team’s official fan club, “La Blanquirroja,” that cheered the Peruvian athletes on during the ceremony and promised to be there at their Lima 2019 competitions.



It is worth noting that, a total of 1890 Para athletes (1247 men and 643 women) from 33 countries will participate in 17 sports and 18 disciplines at the Parapan American Games. The Peruvian delegation will have 139 Para athletes that will compete in 16 of the 17 sports. This is the largest delegation in the history of international events of this kind.

Competitions will take place in 14 venues from August 22 to September 1, 2019. This is the first time that Peru will organize the most important multi-sports competition of the Americas and the most significant sports event in the world after the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The Parapan American Games will grant quotas for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games in 13 Para sports, which therefore guarantees the participation of Americas’ best Para athletes. The Parapan American Games are supported by the Americas Paralympic Committee (APC) and the International Paralympic Committee (IPC).

A total of 33 countries will be present at the Parapan American Games: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Aruba, Barbados, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, United States, Granada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, US Virgin Islands, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay and Venezuela.


Day 1 – Wednesday 21:

On the first day of route, the Parapan American torch will start its journey at 09:20 on av. Manuel Olguín and continue along av. El Derby, then av. El Polo until the intersection with av. Primavera, and keep going until the intersection with av. San Luis, all in the district of Santiago de Surco.

Then, it will enter the district of San Borja via av. Angamos, where it will cross important streets like av. Aviación, av. Gálvez Barrenechea, Vía Expresa, av. Petit Thouars, av. Arequipa and av. Comandante Espinar until it reaches av. Santa Cruz in the district of Miraflores.

In the afternoon, it will continue along that avenue until c. 7 de junio, where it will enter Malecón Cisnero. It will then move along Malecón de la Reserva and av. Armendáriz, towards Barranco on av. Miguel Grau. It will turn left at c. Nicolás de Piérola, and continue on av. República de Panamá and av. Ramón Castilla until Paseo de la Castellana.

It will keep going until Óvalo de Higuereta, where it will enter av. Tomás Marsano until c. Domingo Orué. Then, it will turn at Paseo de la Republica until c. Domingo Elías, where it will continue along av. Arequipa, all the way to Parque Kennedy, where there will be a ceremony to celebrate the end of the first day of the route.

Day 2 – Thursday 22:

On the second day of route, the first relay for the Parapan American torch will be at Óvalo Monitor, from where it will continue on av. Javier Prado until Circunvalación, making a quick stop at Huaca San Borja, on av. Canadá. It will continue its journey along av. Pardo de Zela, av. Petit Thouars, where it will go through the Circuito Mágico del Agua. It will then enter the av. 28 de julio bypass, and advance along av. Garcilazo de la Vega, Paseo Colón, Paseo de Héroes Navales, av. Paseo de la Republica and jr. Carabaya.

From Plaza San Martin, it will go along jr. Carabaya until the Plaza Mayor of Lima, and then c. Conde de Superunda, av. Tacna, av. Garcilaso de la Vega (formerly av. Wilson), av. Uruguay, av. Venezuela, av. Arica, av. Tingo María, Plaza de la Bandera, av. Sucre, av. La Marina, av. Universitaria and av. Mariano Cornejo until Huaca Mateo Salado, where the second day of the route will conclude at around 18:00.

Day 3 – Friday 23:

On the third and last day of the route, the Parapan American torch will visit the Constitutional Province of Callao.  The journey will start at jr. Vigil, and will continue along av. Miguel Grau and av. Guardia Chalaca, going through Óvalo Saloom to then re-enter av. La Marina, av. Insurgentes, av. de los Precursores, c. Parque de las Leyendas, av. La Mar and av. Riva Agüero until reaching the Parque De las Leyendas, where the route will come to an end.

Everybody can be a part of the Lima 2019 celebration along the Parapan American torch route; you will have the chance to take photos while the torch is carried by prominent Peruvian sports figures and civil society representatives. Approximately 300 people will carry the torch all over Lima.

Photo gallery (click here)


Ruta Antorcha



Juan León has overcome adversity even in the hardest of times. The Para swimmer who will represent Peru at Lima 2019 in the S7 class, starting on August 25, overcame the feeling of losing his lower limbs in an accident five years ago to become one of the candidates to win a medal at the Parapan American Games.

“Juancito” got into the discipline encouraged by a coach that saw him in the street in 2016, while working in the public transportation. Since then and after months of demanding training, he has claimed medals in many competitions such as the bronze in 100 m breaststroke and the silver in 50 freestyle at the 2018 Open Loteria Caixa, held in Brazil. That same year, at the Barranquilla Open (Colombia), he won the gold in 400 m freestyle, silver in 100 freestyle and bronze in 50 freestyle.

“These Games will be epic for all Peruvian Para athletes and will become a public legacy for future generations with and without an impairment. I hope the people watching the competitions can see us as an example to overcome all hardships and choose sport as a tool to change our lives, just like me and my teammates who will participate in Lima 2019,” said the Para athlete.

His neighbors in Pachacútec, in the district of Ventanilla, promised to root for him at the Aquatic Center of the VIDENA, as he is a living example that perseverance can break any obstacle. Additionally, they have witnessed the dedication of “Juancito”, a man who feels that he runs in the water.

“We’ll face athletes that are known worldwide, but we won’t let our guard down because we have no excuses to not follow our dreams. We’ll put up a fight. I’ve trained hard to show the world what Peruvians are made of,” he added.


Peru will be represented by 139 Para athletes, the highest record number in this type of continental competitions. In addition, it will participate in 16 disciplines, with the largest number of competitors in sitting volleyball and wheelchair basketball, with 24 in each (12 in the women’s team and the same amount in the men’s team).

Other disciplines that were included in the sport program are boccia (4 Para athletes), football 5-a-side (10), football 7-a-side (14), goalball (12), judo (1), Para athletics (14), Para badminton (10), Para cycling (2), Para swimming (4), Para powerlifting (4), Para taekwondo (4), Para table tennis (4), wheelchair tennis (5), and shooting Para sport (3).


Tickets for the matches, as well as the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, are now available, and prices start at PEN 10.00. There will be a 50% discount for children under 18, senior citizens and people with an impairment. Tickets can be bought in the eleven Lima 2019-authorized points of sale.

You can also be purchased your tickets online through the website, where the competition schedules are detailed. In the case of e-tickets, printing will no longer be necessary since customers can show their e-ticket from their mobile phones at the entrance of the sports venue.