Author: Lima 2019 press release Lima, 26 August 2019


Clown actors carried out an art intervention at Parque de la Exposición, cheering up those in attendance and spreading the Lima 2019 spirit of hospitality.

Opa Clowns

The Lima 2019 cultural fest, which is taking place alongside the Para sports competitions, had the Opa Clowns as very special guests. They carried out an intervention at Parque de la Exposición yesterday afternoon and cheered up the people in attendance.  

Both clowning and Lima 2019 have a common goal: to bring the best out of people and society in general. “I believe that clowning has something in common with the athletes and the Lima 2019 organizers themselves: they want to give their very best,” stated clown actress Johanna Montauban.  

The clown actors are former members of the well-known Bola Roja project who currently continue carrying out interventions in places such as hospitals, streets, etc. to help people connect to their inner emotions through art and play.  

“When Bola Roja closed, we were a group of friends who wanted to continue going to hospitals and performing interventions through clowning. So we chose to carry on and we named ourselves ‘Opa Clowns’,” explains Montauban.  

However, their experience in Lima 2019 Culturaymi, where they also participated during the Pan American Games, was slightly different. “It’s so funny... You can find all kinds of people here, so this is wonderful for a clown artist because you can play with absolutely anything: there are many elements and resources.”  

You can contact Opa Clowns on Instagram and Facebook.