After winning 20 domestic titles in a row, she is now aiming for Pan American gold.

Photo: Depor
She has been the star of paleta fronton, a sport called Peruvian fronton at the Pan American Games, for 20 years now. For Claudia Suárez, winning the gold at the Pan American Games is a pending achievement.
She has earned comprehensive victories in her first three matches. She defeated Cuban Wendy Durán (15-6 and 15-10), Argentinian Melina Span (15-9 and 15-8) and finally Bolivian Diana Rangel (15-9 and 15-6).
“The best thing that’s ever happened to Peruvian fronton is to feature at the Pan American Games. I’m so proud of seeing other countries come to Peru and play our sport. But the medal will remain here at home,” says Claudia, showing the same calm and relaxed demeanor she displays when beating her rivals.
She has won 20 domestic tournaments consecutively, which was not part of her original plans. “First I wanted to win 5, then 10, then 15 and I didn’t want to retire. I never thought I'd make it to 20 and I still don’t want to retire. But I don’t know how long I’ll be able to play, so I’ll do it for as long as my body can stand it,” stresses the Peruvian champion.
Claudia dedicated last Sunday’s victory to her son Matías, who turned 15. “He’s the most sacrificed one because we hardly see each other, but he always comes to cheer on me. He also plays fronton and squash. If he chooses to play any sport professionally, I’ll be so happy.”
She will continue playing the qualification round tomorrow, Wednesday 7, this time facing off Chilean Rosario Valderrama. The match will take place at noon at the Villa María del Triunfo Sports Center.