
Audio file
Hi, I’m Milco!

I’m the mascot of the Lima 2019 Pan American and Parapan American Games. I have an ancient heritage because I come from the family of the Cuchimilcos, originally from the Chancay culture, born in the year 1200. But it was not until July 2017 that I came alive, right in the Peru’s Independence month.

My birth

I would like to highlight the work of Andrea Medrano, my creator. Her creativity gave me life and, with only 24 years old, she presented me in a contest where more than 1000 interested people applied. However, thanks to the 19 thousand votes I got, I now have the honor to be the host of the Pan American and Parapan American Games.

My home

Many people will wonder: Where does Milco come from? Well, I was born in a stone oven, but my home is in every place where people enjoy sports with conviction and passion. That's why you'll see me in every corner of the city, where there are passionate athletes.

More than a goal

I have the great mission to live the Games to the fullest! At the Pan American Games, I will promote the values of excellence, respect, courage and friendship. As for the Parapan American Games, the values will be equality, determination and inspiration. All these values will make this event a precedent for the world. 

Sports, my great passion

I love sports and I am the biggest fan of the Lima 2019 Pan American and Parapan American Games. I love to improve my marks and I'm super competitive, but it's clear to me that the most important thing is not to win, but to participate and play fair.




De norte a sur estoy recorriendo cada espacio de la costa peruana.

¡Acompáñame en esta ruta y divirtámonos juntos!

¡Encuéntrame, súmate a la diversión y llévate premios por montón!


Fotografías Milco
Vídeos Milco

¡Hoy te traemos un quiz especial para ver qué tanto conoces de los otros deportes en los que el Perú logra medallas, copas y títulos mundiales!

Sabemos que conoces la camiseta de fútbol, posiblemente tienes una en el cajón, pero ¿puedes reconocer la de vóley, ciclismo, hándbol, o bádminton…? Bueno, seremos un poco más justos, no todas son tan distinguibles. Pero no te preocupes, te ayudaremos. ¡Así que saca lápiz y papel (o haz una nota en tu celular) para anotar tus respuestas y comprobar tus resultados!